Young Me, Now Me–Time Lapse Shenanigans…

Time Lapse Photography has always found a place in my heart, watching something that would normally take days and weeks to grow, expand, and move can now be shown in seconds or minutes. Just in case you are not familiar with the notion of time lapse, it is a cinematography technique whereby each film frame is captured at a rate much slower than it will be played back. You may have seen an expanding flower on the Discovery Channel–that’s time lapse.

Some of the following sites, although time lapse in a rudimentary level, show what I prefer to call ‘Age Lapse Photography’ because they show the aging of each subject over a period of time with measured gaps in between.

Courtesy of young me now me
One of my favorites is “Young Me / Now Me” to be found at . Each series of images presents a double image of a “young me” and a “now me” as the sites title suggests. Each dual montage is taken in a Polaroid border that gives you the impression time has passed in a flash…

A Note Of Warning: Do not view this site at work! It is highly addictive and you will find yourself glued to the screen with your workmates (saying things like “take a look at this slob” or “wow she/he hasn’t changed at all”) laughing uncontrollably, having flashbacks into your own past and probably getting told off for wasting company time.

One thing is certain, you will have a good chuckle–and if you are so inclined–a philosophical journey into your own mortality…

Courtesy of Another time lapse phenomenon I love are the daily pictures people take of themselves–over a period of years and decades.

Meet Noah (NK5000) who from January 11, 2000, – July 31, 2006, took a picture of himself every day for six years–2356 days. Now that’s dedication! And Noah hasn’t stopped yet, he is still going 10 years on–it is a work in progress. Take a look at his website or peak at a You tube montage of all his images below…

  1. Speaking of time lapse, have you noticed how time seems to fly by at a phenomenal rate these days! Can you believe it is already April? It seems to me that New Years was a couple of weeks ago… People around the globe have noted that time seems to be accelerating. The hours, days, years, and seasons appear to speed by quicker than ever before. An hour no longer feels like sixty minutes, unless you’re stuck in traffic, and each week seems to blend into the next like the blur of a speeding car.
  • Could it be due to the expansion of the universe increasing–as recent scientific evidence suggests?
  • Perhaps the consciousness of man is accelerating as we near 2012 and the so called end of the world?

For answers to these questions and more come back frequently! If not for the answers then for the witty banter…

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