Tag Archives: conspiracy

It’s been a while since my last post, but this particular image merited a return hiatus; more of which will come over the remainder of the year. This Bansky image titled “I Will” struck a cord because when I read the script so many truisms reverberated in my mind!

Every word pulled a string, every line made a sting…

We do live in the type of world depicted in this script, it is very clear, it is in our faces every single day. We accept much discrepancy, and we masochistically enjoy being ignorant! How is this possible in a world of so many choices and possibilities?

It’s simple! We prefer to live our lives in a plastic-happy, candy floss montage of moments that make us feel good because the pain of the shadow world of ego-tenderness can seem overwhelming! Just look at sites like Above Top Secret for a plethora of global issues that seem insuperable.

These situations make us feel powerless, we feel as if the issues facing us are insurmountable; what can we do? It is too painful to face, even in plain view. Let’s throw the world into the back-burner, the too hard basket! Ignorance is bliss!

Does it disappear? For a while perhaps, but it still rests with us at the edge of our vision, in the depths of our psyche–and the collective psyche–as a mild but growing anxiousness… It will never go away, unless…

Instead of accepting that this is inevitable and unchangeable, there is another way. Instead of putting pressure on an immovable force through protesting, which only stretches an issue so far before it flings back in your face, there is another way. Protesting is only useful when it is accompanied by enlightened, compassionate, empowering personal change in every individual that protests–anger begets anger, compassion begets compassion et cetera…

We must change ourselves in order to change the world. If just one (1) percent of the world changes their views in a positive sense, there will be a paradigm shift that will snowball into the rest of the global consciousness. Look at recent world events such as the protests in the Middle East that have toppled dictators, these were not the protests themselves, they were an ideological way of thinking “we have had enough of being ruled by force”, they were a change of mind within a group of individuals that a large part of the world consciously agreed upon.

Perhaps it’s time to deprogram ourselves, to take responsibility for our reality, and to become more conscious of our lives… What do you think?